无锡分校常务副校长张继文访问意大利都灵理工大学(Zhang jiwen visited Politecnico di Torino To Promote Cooperation Between SEU Wuxi Campus And POLIT)

Zhang jiwen visited Politecnico di Torino To Promote Cooperation Between SEU Wuxi Campus And POLIT



近日,分校常务副校长张继文受意大利都灵理工大学副校长Bernardino Chiaia邀请出访该校,并与该校建筑学院、信息学院、机械学院以及国际事务部相关负责人进行座谈。

Recently, Executive vice president of Southeast University Wuxi Campus Zhang Jiwen paid a visit to Politecnico di Torino by Vice President of POLIT Bernardino Chiaia’s invitation. During his stay in POLIT, he attended the meeting with the leaders and professors from Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Computer Science, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Department of International Affairs.


In the talk, Zhang presented the history of Southeast University Wuxi Campus as well as the internationalization strategy of Wuxi Campus.Zhang discussed at length with Chiaia on the prospect of cooperation, respective strengths of the two universities as well as fields of cooperation which may include teaching and scientific research. They agreed on establishing a joint postgraduate school and a joint laboratory at Wuxi campus to develop a long-term strategic relationship.

都灵理工大学Bernardino Chiaia副校长表示都灵理工大学作为意大利最古老的科技大学,其优势学科建筑设计、机械制造、电子通讯等专业排名全球前一百位,非常希望能够与东南大学在上述优势领域强强联手,整合资源,共同开展“一流大学”和“一流学科”的建设工作。

Vice President of POLIT Bernardino Chiaia mentioned POLIT as the oldest university of science and technology in Italy was one of the top 100 universities in the fields of architecture design, machine building and computer science. He also expressed that POLIT would prefer to conduct joint educational and research cooperation with Southeast University in above areas so that two sides could integrate superior resources and promote the first-class university and first-class discipline construction together.

最后,应张校长邀请,Bernardino Chiaia副校长将于20172月携该校代表团回访东南大学无锡分校与无锡地方政府,就促进东南大学与都灵理工大学在无锡分校开展联合办学机构以及联合实验室等项目实质性落地进行深度会谈。(翟佳雯)

Finally, at the invitation of Zhang, Bernardino Chiaia would lead a delegation to visit Southeast University Wuxi Campus as well as local government at the end of February 2017 for in-depth discussion on details about the establishment of a joint postgraduate school and a joint laboratory. Hence we can start the cooperation projects as soon as possible.

